Get Videos By Topic
Enriched Academy has a rich set of video courses that can be accessed easily using Enriched APIs.
To fetch videos by topic you can use the following API:
Method: POST
API Reference:
If you want to fetch a particular video, from any of the topics, you can do that as shown in following example:
Every topic has a particular id attached to it, and that can be passed to fetch a particular video. Here is the topic list:
Required Parameters:
- app_id: (string) (Required)
- secret_key: (string) (Required)
- topicId: (string) (Required)
Example Request Code:
Expected JSON Response:
If all of the details are valid, then you will receive a JSON response like this:
Error Handling:
In case of some authentication error, then you will get a response like this. Also note that the message depends on the type of authentication failure occured.