Video Views API
The below API is used to get the total number of videos views generated from your domain.
Method: POST
API Reference:
The below example shows that you can use this API by providing valid details such as:
Required Parameters:
- app_id: (string) (Required)
- secret_key: (string) (Required)
- first_name: (string) (Required)
- last_name: (string) (Required)
- email: (string) (Required)
Optional Parameters:
- password: (string|alphanumeric|int) (Optional)
- indicator: (Pass 1 for Teacher or 2 For Student or 3 For Staff)
- preferred_language: (string) (fr/en) (Optional)
- location_code: (string|alphanumeric|int) (Optional)
- location_name: (string) (Optional)
Expected JSON Response:
To fetch the total video views you need to pass the app_id and secret_key. A sample JSON response and explanation of the keys is given below :
Error Handling:
In case of some authentication error, then you will get a response like this. Also note that the message depends on the type of authentication failure occured.