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User Registration API

The User Registration API allows the user to register on Enriched Academy from an external website. This is used when you have your own autenticated users on your site already, and you would like to have those users enroll and have access to Enriched Academy from your site.

Method: POST
API Reference:

The below example shows that you can register by providing valid details such as:

Required Parameters:
  1. app_id: (string) (Required)
  2. secret_key: (string) (Required)
  3. first_name: (string) (Required)
  4. last_name: (string) (Required)
  5. email: (string) (Required)
Optional Parameters:
  1. password: (string|alphanumeric|int) (Optional)
  2. indicator: (Pass 1 for Teacher or 2 For Student or 3 For Staff)
  3. preferred_language: (string) (fr/en) (Optional)
  4. location_code: (string|alphanumeric|int) (Optional)
  5. location_name: (string) (Optional)
Example Request Code:
Expected JSON Response:

If all of the details are valid, then you will receive a JSON response like this:

Error Handling:

In case of some authentication error, then you will get a response like this. Also note that the message depends on the type of authentication failure occured.